
Who decides what happens to your human remains?

“Our new Constitution is now established, and has an appearance that promises permanency; but in this world nothing can be said to be certain, except death and taxes.” Benjamin Franklin, in a letter to Jean-Baptiste Le Roy, 1789. Benjamin Franklin was correct. Death is inevitable for all of us. As a result, each Missourian should…

What seniors should know about probate

What seniors should know about probate

“Where there’s a Will, there are 500 relatives” is a humorous take on the less desirable probate outcome for many Americans. But probate itself is not your enemy. Sometimes it can be a benefit. For example, the following instances often benefit from a court administering a decedent’s estate in probate: (1) family members and other…


Seniors are Filing Bankruptcy at an Alarming Rate

According to the Merriam-Webster dictionary, our golden years are defined as “the advanced years in a lifetime” or “the time of life after retirement from active work.”  For a select few seniors, the golden years are a time of wealth and relaxation with grandchildren or other loved ones after saving diligently to enjoy the wonderful…


Why Create a Durable Power of Attorney for Financial Decisions?

The Missouri Durable Power of Attorney Law is set forth in Chapter 404.700 through 404.735 of the Missouri Revised Statutes.  A power of attorney is a legal document wherein you voluntarily, and with informed consent, and in the presence of witnesses, give another person powers to address your property and finances.  Although you may select multiple parties to…


Understanding Property Taxes in Missouri

Think your taxes are too high?  There is one tax you can appeal in Missouri…the property tax.  Our firm represents clients in several states each year to reduce their property tax burden.  While most other taxes are strictly imposed upon taxpayers, Missouri provides for an appeal procedure when property owners believe their county assessor has…


Part II – Legal Topics Relating to Vehicle Accidents

In part two of our discussion relating to vehicle accidents, we will explore important insurance topics. Please note I am not an insurance salesperson, adjuster, or insurance executive so my article seeks to provide an unbiased overview of insurance topics. No insurance parties were harmed in the making of this article. Nearly every state requires…


Part I – Legal Topics Relating to Vehicle Accidents

This is the first of a three-part series discussing important legal topics relating to vehicle accidents. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, approximately 900 Missourians die in vehicle crashes each year so it is a topic worth exploring and I hope you find it informative. Of course, a much higher number of Missourians…


Animals in Hot or Cold Vehicles – May Missourians Break Windows and Come to Their Rescue?

Is it a criminal act in Missouri to leave an animal unattended in a hot or cold car? Is it a criminal act in Missouri to break into a vehicle to save an animal from a hot or cold car? Who among us may break into a vehicle to save an animal without fear of…


Should Seniors Own or Rent Their Residence?

Like many fleeting things, the fully paid-off home, once a constant for most seniors, is occurring less frequently. Americans over the age of 55, are shifting their patterns of homeownership. Many Baby Boomers are choosing instead to rent apartments and condominiums. In fact, a recent Rent.com survey of apartment managers found that nearly 1/3 of…


Should Missouri Seniors Own Pets?

Controversial as it may be, the question should be asked…is it wise for Missouri Seniors to own pets? According to a 2011 Harris Poll, 62% of Americans own a pet. Estimates published by the American Pet Products Association (APPA) indicate there are a staggering 70-80 million dogs and 74-96 million cats owned in the United…