
Understanding the Complexities of Probate Administration in Missouri: Why Hiring an Attorney is Essential

Probate administration can be an overwhelming process for individuals who are managing the estate of a loved one who has passed away. In Missouri, like in many states, probate involves complex legal and procedural requirements that can be difficult to navigate without professional assistance. This article will outline the key aspects of probate administration in…


Elder law topics and timeline: What to expect

According to the World Health Organization, people worldwide are living longer. As a result of plentiful food supplies, improving healthcare options, and modern technological conveniences, most people can expect to live into their sixties and beyond. Every country in the world is experiencing a growth of older people. In 2020, the number of people aged…


Do you need a trust?

As a wise consumer, you will soon be meeting with an attorney to discuss an estate plan and when you do it is likely you will discuss the use of a trust. A living trust is a legal arrangement you establish during your lifetime to protect assets and direct distribution after your death.  It is…


Estate planning failures of the rich and famous

The establishment of a solid estate planning package is essential, even for the rich and famous. Although adored by fans and showered with swag at ceremonies like the Oscars, celebrities as a whole seem no different than the average American when it comes to making estate planning mistakes. Just like many people who lack celebrity…


Guns and Missouri seniors

In the wake of a recent, controversial event occurring in St. Louis, Missouri involving attorneys Mark McCloskey and his wife Patricia McCloskey, who displayed guns in an attempt to protect their home and lives from trespass and harm, this article does not seek to express a political position on gun ownership and possession. Instead, it…


A practical guide to guardianship and conservatorship in Missouri (part 2 of 2)

This article continues our examination of the guardianship and conservatorship process in Missouri. We pick up the process after the adjudication hearing is held… If the Petitioner proves by a preponderance of the evidence that the Respondent is incapacitated or disabled, or both, the court will seek to determine the degree of supervision necessary for…


Part I – Legal Topics Relating to Vehicle Accidents

This is the first of a three-part series discussing important legal topics relating to vehicle accidents. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, approximately 900 Missourians die in vehicle crashes each year so it is a topic worth exploring and I hope you find it informative. Of course, a much higher number of Missourians…


Animals in Hot or Cold Vehicles – May Missourians Break Windows and Come to Their Rescue?

Is it a criminal act in Missouri to leave an animal unattended in a hot or cold car? Is it a criminal act in Missouri to break into a vehicle to save an animal from a hot or cold car? Who among us may break into a vehicle to save an animal without fear of…


Are Baby Boomers to Blame?

Wikipedia defines a baby boomer as those Americans born from the mid 1940’s to the mid 1960’s (57-77 years old). It is generally thought that baby boomers are a group of people born to World War II veterans and their spouses after their return to the United States when the war concluded. At that time,…


Should Seniors Own or Rent Their Residence?

Like many fleeting things, the fully paid-off home, once a constant for most seniors, is occurring less frequently. Americans over the age of 55, are shifting their patterns of homeownership. Many Baby Boomers are choosing instead to rent apartments and condominiums. In fact, a recent Rent.com survey of apartment managers found that nearly 1/3 of…