
Choosing a Long-Term Care Facility

The choice of a long-term care facility is challenging, but chances are very good that you, along with many Americans will someday be faced with the need to find such a facility for themselves or a loved one. How many Americans make are required to find a long-term care facility you ask? According to the…


Are Baby Boomers to Blame?

Wikipedia defines a baby boomer as those Americans born from the mid 1940’s to the mid 1960’s (57-77 years old). It is generally thought that baby boomers are a group of people born to World War II veterans and their spouses after their return to the United States when the war concluded. At that time,…


Should Missouri Seniors Own Pets?

Controversial as it may be, the question should be asked…is it wise for Missouri Seniors to own pets? According to a 2011 Harris Poll, 62% of Americans own a pet. Estimates published by the American Pet Products Association (APPA) indicate there are a staggering 70-80 million dogs and 74-96 million cats owned in the United…


Bucket List for Seniors Before the End of 2016

“A man should not leave this earth with unfinished business.  He should live each day as if it was a pre-flight check.  He should ask each morning, am I prepared for lift-off?”  Diane Frolov and Andrew Scheider, Northern Exposure, All is Vanity, 1991. According to the legal resource FindLaw.com, approximately 55% of American do not…


Seniors and their Influence on Elections

Abraham Lincoln once said: “Elections belong to the people.  It’s their decision.  If they decide to turn their back on the fire and burn their behinds, then they will just have to sit on their blisters.”  Seniors hear this call to action and play a critical role in elections.  They vote more consistently than any…


Todd Miller attends MMACJA Regional Seminar

Todd Miller recently attended the Missouri Municipal and Associate Circuit Judges Association Fall 2015 Regional Continuing Judicial Education Seminar in Columbia, Missouri.  Attendees learned case law updates and specific procedural techniques regarding new Senate Bill Five addressing conduct by municipal courts arising from the protests in Ferguson, MO.


Select the Right Contractor

Legal disputes with contractors occur often and in some instances can involve your most expensive asset…your home.  Liens and encumbrances involving contractors can be avoided if you choose contractors wisely.  The choice of a reputable contractor is especially important for those on limited budgets, seniors and single parents and can be the difference between bliss…


Is the Term “Abuse” Overused?

As a family law attorney with years of trial experience, I am  confronted with situations where actual abuse against, men, women and children occurs.  But I’m also confronted with legal cases where the term abuse is thrown about without regard to its effect on others.  To that end, this article explores the possibility that the…

Todd Miller speaks at the 2014 Missouri Credit Association Conference

Todd Miller speaks at the 2014 Missouri Credit Association Conference

Todd Miller spoke to those in attendance at the 2014 Missouri Credit Association Conference held at the Grand Plaza Hotel in Branson, Missouri October 24, 2014.  Mr. Miller’s speech was entitled Changes in Bankruptcy Law & Creditors’ Committees.