
Who decides what happens to your human remains?

“Our new Constitution is now established, and has an appearance that promises permanency; but in this world nothing can be said to be certain, except death and taxes.” Benjamin Franklin, in a letter to Jean-Baptiste Le Roy, 1789. Benjamin Franklin was correct. Death is inevitable for all of us. As a result, each Missourian should…


A Last Will & Testament is Not Enough

Our law firm regularly receives inquiries from potential clients asking for a “simple Will” and how much they cost. While I never discount why people call and ask for an inexpensive solution to their estate planning problems, and I always appreciate their desire to establish a Will using our law firm, the question is analogous…

What seniors should know about probate

What seniors should know about probate

“Where there’s a Will, there are 500 relatives” is a humorous take on the less desirable probate outcome for many Americans. But probate itself is not your enemy. Sometimes it can be a benefit. For example, the following instances often benefit from a court administering a decedent’s estate in probate: (1) family members and other…


Reverse mortgages – the good, bad and the ugly

Congratulations seniors, these are your Golden Years. Your Social Security check exceeds your expenses and your children are all doctors and lawyers who never ask for handouts and seem terribly happy with their lives. You have very few wrinkles and a head full of dark hair. Your home continues to appreciate annually and your mortgage…


Should Seniors Create a Written Contract When Paying Relatives for Elder Care?

According to the State of Missouri’s Office of Administration, our state’s elderly population has increased more consistently and proportionately than any other age group. While Missouri residents age 65 and over represented only 10% of the population in 1950, by 2030 the Office of Administration predicts their numbers will represent more than 20% of all…


Choosing a Skilled Nursing Facility or Long-Term Care Facility

The choice of a skilled nursing facility or long-term care facility is challenging, and chances are good that you, along with many Americans will someday be faced with the need to find such a facility for yourself or a loved one.  What’s the difference in the two you ask? The care provided in a skilled…


Estate Planning for Non-Traditional Families

The 2010 Census revealed that the traditional nuclear family, a family with married, heterosexual parents and two children, has disappeared at an alarming rate. What a drastic change from just sixty years ago when shows like “Father Knows Best” reflected family values where the male was the figurehead and the wife and kids supported him…


Part I – Legal Topics Relating to Vehicle Accidents

This is the first of a three-part series discussing important legal topics relating to vehicle accidents. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, approximately 900 Missourians die in vehicle crashes each year so it is a topic worth exploring and I hope you find it informative. Of course, a much higher number of Missourians…


Are Baby Boomers to Blame?

Wikipedia defines a baby boomer as those Americans born from the mid 1940’s to the mid 1960’s (57-77 years old). It is generally thought that baby boomers are a group of people born to World War II veterans and their spouses after their return to the United States when the war concluded. At that time,…


Bucket List for Seniors Before the End of 2016

“A man should not leave this earth with unfinished business.  He should live each day as if it was a pre-flight check.  He should ask each morning, am I prepared for lift-off?”  Diane Frolov and Andrew Scheider, Northern Exposure, All is Vanity, 1991. According to the legal resource FindLaw.com, approximately 55% of American do not…