
A Last Will & Testament is Not Enough

Our law firm regularly receives inquiries from potential clients asking for a “simple Will” and how much they cost. While I never discount why people call and ask for an inexpensive solution to their estate planning problems, and I always appreciate their desire to establish a Will using our law firm, the question is analogous…


Todd Miller adds Jefferson City Housing Authority as new client

JEFFERSON CITY, MO, March 27, 2020 /24-7PressRelease/ — Law Office of Todd Miller, LLC is pleased to announce it was recently hired by the Jefferson City Housing Authority as its legal counsel for general counsel services and to execute its landlord/tenant law remedies. The Housing Authority has 318 units of Public Housing and 421 units…

What seniors should know about debt collection (second part of a two-part article)

What seniors should know about debt collection (second part of a two-part article)

In part one of this article, we discussed the substantial increase in consumer debt by older Americans and the anticipated increase of subsequent debt collection efforts against older Americans. Thereafter, we began a discussion of what seniors should know about debt collection so as to prepare for that unwelcome event should it arise. We now…


Getting your pre-disability affairs in order

No one ever plans to be sick or disabled, yet it does happen. While seniors comprise the majority of disabled people in the United States, working-aged adults are not immune to the risk of becoming disabled permanently or temporarily. According to the Council for Disability Awareness, 5.6 percent of working Americans will experience a short-term…


Choosing a Long-Term Care Facility

The choice of a long-term care facility is challenging, but chances are very good that you, along with many Americans will someday be faced with the need to find such a facility for themselves or a loved one. How many Americans make are required to find a long-term care facility you ask? According to the…


Seniors are Filing Bankruptcy at an Alarming Rate

According to the Merriam-Webster dictionary, our golden years are defined as “the advanced years in a lifetime” or “the time of life after retirement from active work.”  For a select few seniors, the golden years are a time of wealth and relaxation with grandchildren or other loved ones after saving diligently to enjoy the wonderful…


Are Baby Boomers to Blame?

Wikipedia defines a baby boomer as those Americans born from the mid 1940’s to the mid 1960’s (57-77 years old). It is generally thought that baby boomers are a group of people born to World War II veterans and their spouses after their return to the United States when the war concluded. At that time,…