
Unmarried Estate Planning: How to Ensure Your Assets Hit Their Intended Target

Estate planning is often considered a topic reserved for married couples or those with children. However, it is even more important for unmarried individuals to have a well-thought-out estate plan in place. Without one, the state will dictate how your assets are distributed, which may not align with your wishes. More importantly, people who are…


Important Payable on Death and Transfer on Death Beneficiary Insights for Missouri Seniors

By now you should be considering the establishment of an estate plan. Yes you…even you need an estate plan. While the term “estate” may sound ostentatious and unnecessary to many, the truth is every Missouri senior adult can benefit from an estate plan regardless of their wealth. An estate plan simply communicates the grantor’s wishes…


Important Legal Topics Pertinent to Senior Adult Bankruptcies

For those senior adults with unmanageable debt and few assets, filing for bankruptcy may be a viable option to reduce those overwhelming financial concerns. Bankruptcy is a legal process wherein debt is discharged or managed through court order when a qualified senior is unable to repay debts. In summary, bankruptcy is a life preserver for…


Pros and cons of a payable on death (POD) beneficiary for your assets

When creating your estate plan, it is important to understand the difference between probate and non-probate assets. Probate assets are those subject to court administration in a process through which a court determines how to distribute your property after you die. Some assets are distributed to heirs by the court as probate assets while others…


Attorney Todd Miller elected 2nd Vice District Governor

Attorney, Todd Miller of the Law Office of Todd Miller, LLC in Jefferson City, Missouri was recently elected 2nd Vice District Governor of District 26-M7.  Miller’s responsibilities include supporting the other two district governors in the implementation of local and international Lions Club agendas.  Growing membership is Miller’s primary emphasis as service clubs like the…


“Per stirpes” or “per capita” – you better know the difference

As you begin the process of establishing an estate plan, there are many important decisions you and your attorney will make. Arguably, one of the most important decisions involves identifying who will receive your estate assets and in what manner you want assets to pass when you die. Whether you create a revocable living trust,…


Todd Miller hired as prosecutor for the Village of Four Seasons, Missouri

On November 6, 2014, Todd Miller accepted the role as prosecuting attorney for the Village of Four Seasons, Missouri.  The Village of Four Seasons, Missouri is located in Camden County, encompasses approximately 4.59 square miles of which, 4.52 square miles is land and 0.007 square miles is water.  According to a 2010 census, the Village…