
Who decides what happens to your human remains?

“Our new Constitution is now established, and has an appearance that promises permanency; but in this world nothing can be said to be certain, except death and taxes.” Benjamin Franklin, in a letter to Jean-Baptiste Le Roy, 1789. Benjamin Franklin was correct. Death is inevitable for all of us. As a result, each Missourian should…


Guns and Missouri seniors

In the wake of a recent, controversial event occurring in St. Louis, Missouri involving attorneys Mark McCloskey and his wife Patricia McCloskey, who displayed guns in an attempt to protect their home and lives from trespass and harm, this article does not seek to express a political position on gun ownership and possession. Instead, it…


Seniors must play a larger role in government and society

“We in America do not have government by the majority. We have government by the majority who participate.” Thomas Jefferson Hopefully we all agree that older Americans are important to our society, but some say the role older Americans play in both government and society must increase if we are to remain a wonderful beacon…


Should Seniors Own or Rent Their Residence?

Like many fleeting things, the fully paid-off home, once a constant for most seniors, is occurring less frequently. Americans over the age of 55, are shifting their patterns of homeownership. Many Baby Boomers are choosing instead to rent apartments and condominiums. In fact, a recent Rent.com survey of apartment managers found that nearly 1/3 of…


Should Missouri Seniors Own Pets?

Controversial as it may be, the question should be asked…is it wise for Missouri Seniors to own pets? According to a 2011 Harris Poll, 62% of Americans own a pet. Estimates published by the American Pet Products Association (APPA) indicate there are a staggering 70-80 million dogs and 74-96 million cats owned in the United…


Bucket List for Seniors Before the End of 2016

“A man should not leave this earth with unfinished business.  He should live each day as if it was a pre-flight check.  He should ask each morning, am I prepared for lift-off?”  Diane Frolov and Andrew Scheider, Northern Exposure, All is Vanity, 1991. According to the legal resource FindLaw.com, approximately 55% of American do not…


VA Annuity Scam – Beware Seniors

One question asked of all seniors entering a residential care facility is “did you or your spouse ever serve in the military?”  If the applicant responds “yes,” then the facility may be eligible for up to $2,837.00 per month from the Department of Veterans Affairs towards the cost of his or her care.  The benefit…


Seniors and their Influence on Elections

Abraham Lincoln once said: “Elections belong to the people.  It’s their decision.  If they decide to turn their back on the fire and burn their behinds, then they will just have to sit on their blisters.”  Seniors hear this call to action and play a critical role in elections.  They vote more consistently than any…


Tips for Downsizing Seniors

For some well-prepared seniors, downsizing is an inevitable part of life that they planned for long ago.  Those parties may relish the idea of selling most of their belongings to seek out warmer climates or senior housing options where meals are prepared, lawns are maintained, and similarly aged friends are readily available for games and…


Todd Miller attends MMACJA Regional Seminar

Todd Miller recently attended the Missouri Municipal and Associate Circuit Judges Association Fall 2015 Regional Continuing Judicial Education Seminar in Columbia, Missouri.  Attendees learned case law updates and specific procedural techniques regarding new Senate Bill Five addressing conduct by municipal courts arising from the protests in Ferguson, MO.