
Choosing a Skilled Nursing Facility or Long-Term Care Facility

The choice of a skilled nursing facility or long-term care facility is challenging, and chances are good that you, along with many Americans will someday be faced with the need to find such a facility for yourself or a loved one.  What’s the difference in the two you ask? The care provided in a skilled…


Should Drivers Always Hire Legal Counsel for Traffic Tickets?

Some drivers are offended after receiving a traffic ticket and desire to remove it from their record at all costs.  Still others never think of hiring legal counsel and just pay the ticket because someone has informed them one or two tickets won’t harm their insurance premiums or driving privileges.  Our firm represented traffic clients…


Do Older Adults Have Too Many Possessions?

“Your peers will respect you for your integrity and character, not your possessions.”  David Robinson  But if possessions are temporary and do not reflect the character of man, why are so many older Americans swimming in them?  The overabundance of personal property is troubling when you consider many older adults live on limited or fixed…


Should We be Concerned Our Political Leaders are Aging?

Seniors play a vital role in our everyday lives.  They contribute to our economy by purchasing items, paying taxes and employing service industry professionals.  Their ability to care for grandchildren and other family members allows others to work full-time and achieve their goals in life.  Seniors also volunteer at a pace on par with most…

Estate Planning for Unmarried, Cohabitating Couples

Estate Planning for Unmarried, Cohabitating Couples

This article assumes some of its interested readers are seniors who have decided to forego matrimonial bliss; the public act of “leaving and cleaving” as detailed in Genesis 2:24: “Therefore a man shall leave his father and mother and hold fast to this wife, and they shall become one flesh.”  According to Sandra Block, Senior…


Understanding Property Taxes in Missouri

Think your taxes are too high?  There is one tax you can appeal in Missouri…the property tax.  Our firm represents clients in several states each year to reduce their property tax burden.  While most other taxes are strictly imposed upon taxpayers, Missouri provides for an appeal procedure when property owners believe their county assessor has…