
Should Seniors Create a Written Contract When Paying Relatives for Elder Care?

According to the State of Missouri’s Office of Administration, our state’s elderly population has increased more consistently and proportionately than any other age group. While Missouri residents age 65 and over represented only 10% of the population in 1950, by 2030 the Office of Administration predicts their numbers will represent more than 20% of all…


Seniors are Filing Bankruptcy at an Alarming Rate

According to the Merriam-Webster dictionary, our golden years are defined as “the advanced years in a lifetime” or “the time of life after retirement from active work.”  For a select few seniors, the golden years are a time of wealth and relaxation with grandchildren or other loved ones after saving diligently to enjoy the wonderful…


Why Create a Durable Power of Attorney for Financial Decisions?

The Missouri Durable Power of Attorney Law is set forth in Chapter 404.700 through 404.735 of the Missouri Revised Statutes.  A power of attorney is a legal document wherein you voluntarily, and with informed consent, and in the presence of witnesses, give another person powers to address your property and finances.  Although you may select multiple parties to…


Choosing a Skilled Nursing Facility or Long-Term Care Facility

The choice of a skilled nursing facility or long-term care facility is challenging, and chances are good that you, along with many Americans will someday be faced with the need to find such a facility for yourself or a loved one.  What’s the difference in the two you ask? The care provided in a skilled…


Do Older Adults Have Too Many Possessions?

“Your peers will respect you for your integrity and character, not your possessions.”  David Robinson  But if possessions are temporary and do not reflect the character of man, why are so many older Americans swimming in them?  The overabundance of personal property is troubling when you consider many older adults live on limited or fixed…


Should We be Concerned Our Political Leaders are Aging?

Seniors play a vital role in our everyday lives.  They contribute to our economy by purchasing items, paying taxes and employing service industry professionals.  Their ability to care for grandchildren and other family members allows others to work full-time and achieve their goals in life.  Seniors also volunteer at a pace on par with most…


Durable Power of Attorney v. Springing Power of Attorney

A power of attorney (POA) is “a written document in which one person (the principal) appoints another person to act as an agent on his or her behalf, thus conferring authority on the agent to perform certain acts or functions on behalf of the principal” according to The Free Dictionary by Farlex.  Powers of attorney…


The Merits of an Advance Healthcare Directive (Living Will) and a Do Not Resuscitate Order (DNR)

Death is an inevitable part of life. Many of us are reluctant to face that fact but the last time I checked, none of us will live forever; therefore, planning for end-of-life events is not only prudent, but it is also an excellent way to protect the assets you obtained during your lifetime and a…


Estate Planning for Non-Traditional Families

The 2010 Census revealed that the traditional nuclear family, a family with married, heterosexual parents and two children, has disappeared at an alarming rate. What a drastic change from just sixty years ago when shows like “Father Knows Best” reflected family values where the male was the figurehead and the wife and kids supported him…


Seniors and Alcoholism – A Growing Trend:

The Las Vegas mass killing was a tragic and senseless event. While some of our nation’s political leaders predictably stump about the dangers of some firearms, or in the alternative, predictably continue the fight to protect our well-established second amendment rights, alcohol is killing nearly three times more Americans each year than guns. Romans322.com, a…