
Navigating Probate Disputes: How to Understand the Complexities and Resolving Conflicts

Yes, probate is necessary unless prior to death the decedent established an estate plan that caused him or her to avoid owning property that must be administered through probate. Once an estate is opened or created in the county where the decedent last resided, probate disputes often arise during the administration of a deceased person’s…


Unmarried people should know the importance of a thorough estate plan

Preparing for the end of your life is one of those things you know you should do, but have you done it? According to a recent survey by Caring.com, a senior living referral service, only 4 in 10 American adults have a Last Will and Testament or a living trust. Maybe you are one of…


Important Payable on Death and Transfer on Death Beneficiary Insights for Missouri Seniors

By now you should be considering the establishment of an estate plan. Yes you…even you need an estate plan. While the term “estate” may sound ostentatious and unnecessary to many, the truth is every Missouri senior adult can benefit from an estate plan regardless of their wealth. An estate plan simply communicates the grantor’s wishes…


Preparing a loved one for a nursing home

The challenge of placing a loved one in a nursing home or residential care facility is a topic none of us look forward to facing.  Often, those moments are made all the more difficult when we recognize that our loved one requires a higher level of round-the-clock care that we are not able or qualified…


Update your estate plan following divorce

Following any dissolution of marriage, a wise person updates their estate plan.  This step is particularly important if there are children or assets involved.  Approximately one-half of marriages in the United States end in divorce, and for most people involved, it is one of the worst experiences of their lives.  As a result, many participants…


Who decides what happens to your human remains?

“Our new Constitution is now established, and has an appearance that promises permanency; but in this world nothing can be said to be certain, except death and taxes.” Benjamin Franklin, in a letter to Jean-Baptiste Le Roy, 1789. Benjamin Franklin was correct. Death is inevitable for all of us. As a result, each Missourian should…


Estate planning failures of the rich and famous

The establishment of a solid estate planning package is essential, even for the rich and famous. Although adored by fans and showered with swag at ceremonies like the Oscars, celebrities as a whole seem no different than the average American when it comes to making estate planning mistakes. Just like many people who lack celebrity…


Reverse mortgages – the good, bad and the ugly

Congratulations seniors, these are your Golden Years. Your Social Security check exceeds your expenses and your children are all doctors and lawyers who never ask for handouts and seem terribly happy with their lives. You have very few wrinkles and a head full of dark hair. Your home continues to appreciate annually and your mortgage…


Tips for Downsizing Seniors

For some well-prepared seniors, downsizing is an inevitable part of life that they planned for long ago.  Those parties may relish the idea of selling most of their belongings to seek out warmer climates or senior housing options where meals are prepared, lawns are maintained, and similarly aged friends are readily available for games and…


Why Create a Durable Power of Attorney for Financial Decisions?

The Missouri Durable Power of Attorney Law is set forth in Chapter 404.700 through 404.735 of the Missouri Revised Statutes.  A power of attorney is a legal document wherein you voluntarily, and with informed consent, and in the presence of witnesses, give another person powers to address your property and finances.  Although you may select multiple parties to…