
Revitalizing the Lions Club: Strategies for a Brighter Future

Recently, I became District Governor Elect of Missouri’s 26-M7 District. An honor I do not take lightly. Since then on many occasions, I have been asked what the Lions Club can do to grow membership and survive the service club avalanche of losses nationwide.  The following are my thoughts. The Lions Club, renowned for its…


Attorney Todd Miller Branson Meeting

Todd Miller recently attended the Missouri State Lions Club Council of Governors meeting January 28, 2023.  The meeting agenda included reports from various committees and the many activities to occur throughout Missouri by the seven Lions Club districts.  The date and place of the next COG meeting is April 20, 2023 at the Radisson Hotel…


Attorney Todd Miller elected 2nd Vice District Governor

Attorney, Todd Miller of the Law Office of Todd Miller, LLC in Jefferson City, Missouri was recently elected 2nd Vice District Governor of District 26-M7.  Miller’s responsibilities include supporting the other two district governors in the implementation of local and international Lions Club agendas.  Growing membership is Miller’s primary emphasis as service clubs like the…