
Part I – Legal Topics Relating to Vehicle Accidents

This is the first of a three-part series discussing important legal topics relating to vehicle accidents. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, approximately 900 Missourians die in vehicle crashes each year so it is a topic worth exploring and I hope you find it informative. Of course, a much higher number of Missourians…


Seniors and Alcoholism – A Growing Trend:

The Las Vegas mass killing was a tragic and senseless event. While some of our nation’s political leaders predictably stump about the dangers of some firearms, or in the alternative, predictably continue the fight to protect our well-established second amendment rights, alcohol is killing nearly three times more Americans each year than guns. Romans322.com, a…


Should Seniors Own or Rent Their Residence?

Like many fleeting things, the fully paid-off home, once a constant for most seniors, is occurring less frequently. Americans over the age of 55, are shifting their patterns of homeownership. Many Baby Boomers are choosing instead to rent apartments and condominiums. In fact, a recent Rent.com survey of apartment managers found that nearly 1/3 of…


Should Missouri Seniors Own Pets?

Controversial as it may be, the question should be asked…is it wise for Missouri Seniors to own pets? According to a 2011 Harris Poll, 62% of Americans own a pet. Estimates published by the American Pet Products Association (APPA) indicate there are a staggering 70-80 million dogs and 74-96 million cats owned in the United…


VA Annuity Scam – Beware Seniors

One question asked of all seniors entering a residential care facility is “did you or your spouse ever serve in the military?”  If the applicant responds “yes,” then the facility may be eligible for up to $2,837.00 per month from the Department of Veterans Affairs towards the cost of his or her care.  The benefit…


Seniors and their Influence on Elections

Abraham Lincoln once said: “Elections belong to the people.  It’s their decision.  If they decide to turn their back on the fire and burn their behinds, then they will just have to sit on their blisters.”  Seniors hear this call to action and play a critical role in elections.  They vote more consistently than any…


Tips for Downsizing Seniors

For some well-prepared seniors, downsizing is an inevitable part of life that they planned for long ago.  Those parties may relish the idea of selling most of their belongings to seek out warmer climates or senior housing options where meals are prepared, lawns are maintained, and similarly aged friends are readily available for games and…


Legal Tips Every Missouri Pet Owner Should Know

According to the American Veterinary Medical Association, pet ownership is very popular in the United States.  The AVMA 2012 U.S. Pet Ownership & Demographics Sourcebook indicates 36.5% of all households own a dog; 30.4% of all households own a cat; 3.1% of all households own a bird; and 1.5% of all American households own a…


“Gray Divorce” in Missouri

Seniors are not immune to the collapsing state of marriage in America.  According to the National Center for Family & Marriage Research at Bowling Green State University, the divorce rate for couples over 50 doubled from 1990-2009.  While some experts think that the trend is because of our growing cultural acceptance of divorce, still others…