
Miller attends seminar

Todd Miller attended a 3-hour GAL educational seminar in Jefferson City, MO recently.  This course is mandatory review for all attorneys serving as guardian ad litems in Mid-Missouri courts. “Guardians ad litem have extensive power and responsibility. Their duties are greatest in cases involving children, where they investigate, attend to the child’s emotional and legal…


Create a Formal Contract When Paying Relatives for Elder Care

According to the State of Missouri’s Office of Administration, our state’s elderly population has increased more consistently and proportionately than any other age group.  While Missouri residents age 65 and over represented only 10% of the population in 1950, by 2030 the Office of Administration predicts their numbers will represent more than 20% of all…


Why Create a Durable Power of Attorney for Financial Decisions?

The Missouri Durable Power of Attorney Law is set forth in Chapter 404.700 through 404.735 of the Missouri Revised Statutes.  A power of attorney is a legal document wherein you voluntarily, and with informed consent, and in the presence of witnesses, give another person powers to address your property and finances.  Although you may select multiple parties to…


“Gray Divorce” in Missouri

Seniors are not immune to the collapsing state of marriage in America.  According to the National Center for Family & Marriage Research at Bowling Green State University, the divorce rate for couples over 50 doubled from 1990-2009.  While some experts think that the trend is because of our growing cultural acceptance of divorce, still others…


Senior Debt Collection Tips

Let’s start with two wonderful quotes:  “A bulldog can whip a skunk, but sometimes it’s not worth it.” – J. Nowell or “Creditors have better memories than debtors.” – Ben Franklin.  When clients hire me to collect a debt, these humorous quotes often come to mind, but for most business owners and senior adults who…


7 Tips for Renting Vehicles

In 2012, it was estimated 1.857 million cars were rented from 18,293 locations.  When renting a vehicle it is important that you fully understand the fees, insurance coverage and liability, as well as the terms and conditions.  The following tips are designed to help you save time and money. Do your homework.By booking online, you…


Bankruptcy – A Frank Discussion

Few people who have successfully declared bankruptcy will tell you the process is an effortless discharge of debts followed thereafter by a fresh and new life.  To some, bankruptcy is an embarrassing admission of fault, defeat, or insufficiency.  Still others consider it a terrible chapter of their life and one of the top five life-altering…


When Should You Change Your Last Will and Testament?

Just over 2.5 million Americans died in 2010 according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention with the average life expectancy being 78.7 years.  It is with great sadness that I inform you that your death will occur with or without your consent.  As a result, it is imperative that you create an estate…


Insurance Company Denials or Vexatious Refusal to Pay

Insurance companies often deny claims by their insureds even though the claims are legitimate.  Call it good business or merely hardball adjusting, insurance companies would rather keep your money than pay it back out.  Denied insurance claims can be frustrating and confusing for any claimant without legal representation.  But when claims are denied, Missouri law…


50% of Parents Do Not Have a Will

If you died tomorrow, who would inherit your items of wealth…your car…your home…your investments?  With so many Americans looking for ways to save a buck, this sobering statistic is alarming in that many estates are reduced significantly when the decedent fails to create so much as a Last Will and Testament. 50% of American adults…